Karlsson on the roof (illustrated by Djanikyan A.)
Lindgren A.

Karlsson on the roof (illustrated by Djanikyan A.)

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Additional Information
SKU B-154089
Author Lindgren A.
Place of Publication St. Petersburg
Year of Publication 2017
Number of Pages 176
Illustrations Yes
Cover Hardcover
Language Russian
ISBN 978-5-389-11012-0
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Quick Overview

Imagine Smidge's delight when, one day, a little man with a propeller on his back appears hovering at the window! It's Karlsson and he lives in a house on the roof. Soon Smidge and Karlsson are sharing all sorts of adventures, from tackling thieves and playing tricks to looping the loop and running across the rooftops. Fun and chaos burst from these charming, classic stories.
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